Sound Literacy Speech Therapy is an online service offering in person assessments in select suburbs of Northern Sydney.
Online intervention can be just as effective as in person therapy and can bring the added benefits of providing a service in the comfort and convenience of being at home.
Is your child and family situation suited to online therapy?
Here are some considerations:
- A fast internet connection, preferably a laptop with a mouse (ipads aren’t as interactive), a desk and chair (your child shouldn’t be lying in bed during the session!) are all minimum requirements;
- Your child needs to be able to attend long enough for a minimum of 30 minutes without needing to move around.
- A quiet space where you and your child will be able to talk to your speech pathologist without interruption, e.g. away from brothers and sisters, other family members and pets. Pick a place without distracting background noise. Turn off any TVs, radios or other distractions. Treat the video conferencing area as a “virtual therapy space” where we can all focus on helping your child to achieve therapy goals;
- Eating shouldn’t occur during the session as it reduces what can be covered in the allocated time with your child;
- An adult should be near the student in case there are problems with technology or assistance is needed with an activity.
Does the service delivery model for literacy intervention fit my family?
As an experienced therapist who has provided literacy therapy over the past years, I have seen what works, what doesn’t work and what dosage requirements are necessary to see improvements.
Although research can inform dosage in very controlled contexts, we know our families and service delivery options happen outside what the research says is the gold standard. Life, unlike research, is messy!
For students who have a moderate to severe literacy difficulty, there is a minimum standard of support that’s required to see progress. This commitment will be discussed in detail with you before the initial assessment. However, it is necessary to know that a significant amount of time and financial commitment is required to see progress for a child with moderate to severe dyslexia. Sound Literacy Speech Therapy reserves the right to inform you of session cessation if progress is not being made.